God Loving Activist

Adventures and beliefs of my life with God

Ordo Amoris and Love Your Neighbor

There is a discussion among multiple people concerning the proper Christian attitude towards immigrants. Among the debaters are J. D. Vance, Roy Stewart a member of British Parliament, and Pope Frances. Ordo Amoris is a Catholic teaching from Augustine and Aquinas, that love must be rightly ordered. To some this is to love God first then, love your family, then extended family, then neighbors and so on moving out in an ever-widening circles. Others would quote Luke 10:27,”Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbor as yourself.”, which is a rephrasing of Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18. Jesus’ words are repeated in Matthew 22:38-40 and Mark12:30-31.

Helping Schools

When I was young, schools were a pleasant place to go and spend time with other children while learning things. It was mostly fun. No one wanted to do homework, take a test, or sit quietly and listen all day. But still it was enjoyable to be with other children and have an interesting day. A day to explain to parents at dinner. A day for best friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, secret clubs, and sometimes good grades. It was a safe place for most students. A place where adults watched over us and told us things to prepare us for future lives as adults.


American is a divided country. We live with never-ending debates over what can be done. The right believes the left is destroying the historical moral fabric of our country. The left believes the right is preventing the historical progress of widening the constitutional rights to all Americans. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone believes that it is the correct opinion. It is one thing to argue over sports teams, or influencer’s opinions, but arguing about the ideas and consequences that can harm or help citizen’s life and family is so much more serious.

Is Christianity the Best Religion?

Honestly, the answer is yes and no. Christianity as a religion is a long list of dos and don’ts. It is about behavior considered appropriate in the Bible. It is about finding a church that interprets the Bible the right way. A church that sings praise the right way. A church with other people who understand things the way we understand things. There are many protestant denominations, the Catholic church, and the Orthodox church. Everybody seems to understand God a little differently. Sometimes we condemn other churches for doing things unacceptable to our version of God.


Daily Bread

The first daily bread to come down from heaven was for the Israelites in the desert, as told in Exodus 16. It covered the desert every morning, was called manna, and tasted like wafers made with honey. The Israelites gathered the manna for 40 years as they roamed through the desert. The day after they reached the promised land, the manna stopped appearing and never appeared again. In John 6, Jesus said that the bread of life is from God and comes down to gives life to the world. Jesus declared himself to be the true bread of life.

Is God Patent?

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 NIV

When Jesus walked in Israel, he was followed by large crowds seeking to see a miracle. He was followed by individuals he healed. He was followed by the Pharisees who hoped to catch him in a sin. He was followed by women who cared for his needs. Jesus told all of them that to become his disciples they must do more than follow him. They must also deny themselves and take up their cross daily. Jesus said this because he wants more than a mesmerized crowd of groupies. Jesus wants disciples.

How I know They are not in Charge

There seem to be many theories about who and what is causing hurricane destruction and the meteorologist working to cover-up the true nature of recent disasters. But I take a longer view of disasters by considering the history of many forces in our world.

Helping Others

I am blessed with a comfortable life and a long history of church attendance. Early home movies show me as a two-year-old handing out presents from under the Christmas tree to others in the room. Some people seem to be born with the need to help or share.  I have quite a few faults, but greed or selfishness are not in my DNA. Sometime people seem to be born with a desire to get it all for themselves. While others are willing to give most of it away. Today I am reflecting on the joys and heartbreaks of helping others.

Warriors and Victims

There is an article in The Atlantic magazine titled “The Christian Radicals are Coming”. It describes a tent meeting similar to revivals of the past. The speakers are concerned for America and the churches lack of warriors ready to take back America for God.  There are several points on which I agree. American Christians should not be victims. God does appoint warriors to do what God wants. Christians do have authority from God. There is a war on earth and Christians are called to fight against evil.

Evil and Revenge

In Psalm 7, David talks to God about the people who are trying to destroy him. Presumably, he is worried about Cush a Benjamite who was working with King Saul to kill David. King Saul was jealous of David and knew that the people loved David. Saul was a Benjamite, and he tried multiple times to kill David, who lived a life on the run. David was a warrior with a band of men who followed and fought for him. He was a born leader, and the one God anointed to be the next King.

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