About Me

God Loving Activist
Adventures and beliefs of my life with God
I am retired. I live a comfortable life in the USA. There is enough money to pay the bills, travel some, enjoy my friends and family. My part of the world is relatively safe. But I want more than a comfortable life in retirement years I want a change in the world. I want things to be different.
I look at the world and see centuries of behavior that never seems to quite fix the problems we face. Children still suffer and die from war, poverty, and illness. Leaders still rise to change the status quo and frequently die without solving our problems. Yes, we invent new things. Great civilizations through the centuries leave traces of their grandeur. We stand in awe at what was accomplished. We advance medical practices and prolong life. But good people still die for pointless reasons. We travel to the moon and back. But we cannot live without wars. Every time we solve the problems of human evil and destruction, someone invents a new way, a new strategy to conquer and control.
I want more. I want peace on earth. I am a voice crying out to the world to change. To do things differently. Like many Christians, I believe time is short. Jesus is preparing to return on a white horse and destroy his enemies. I want Jesus, the King of Peace to find few enemies when he returns. I want the world to eagerly anticipate and triumphantly rejoice at his returning. To welcome and bow in admiration of his Kingship over us. I want the world to see his return and join in singing Handle’s Hallelujah Chorus. I want a celebration like the universe has never seen. I want Revelations 19, to be a world-wide celebration of ardent believers.
But who am I? A retired woman, a follower of Jesus, with an amazing vision, with an unattainable goal. A woman without a platform, without theological or evangelical training. Just a woman who trust in God to accomplish the impossible. A woman with many varied experiences, trying to write the way for others to dream and pursue a world prepared for the Great King. The King who will lead us to the celebration long before he arrives. A King who will prepare us to celebrate the greatest future time in human history. A King who knows all we need to be ready, eager, and dressed for the party. Raad my words and determine if you also are willing to prepare for the great celebration.
The following blogs are my stories. My memoir written in blogs. A way to explaining myself and letting people see how I came to this point. I will start simple. Over time I will go deeper and deeper into the things that drive me. Be patient. I have much to say. Talk to Jesus to determine if this has any value for your life and your future.
Early Life and Education
I was born in Alabama, USA, in 1958. I lived through the turmoil of the 1960s, the Vietnam War, and the Civil Rights movement. A little white girl, watching the news from the security of a white middle-class neighborhood. Our family of six engaged in many discussions around the kitchen table about current events. Someone…