New Follower Questions
How do I start a relationship with Jesus?
Jesus loves you and knows everything about you. He wants to help you live a abundant and peaceful life. It begins with humility and prayer. First you pray to Jesus and tell him you want to follow him. You believe he is God. You know you cannot do everything on your own. You are willing to let him lead you. That is all you do to start! if you prayed then you are now a follower of Jesus. You may pray and ask for his help as often as you want. Jesus said in John 6:37 Jesus said, “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”
As I follow Jesus, how do I pray?
Jesus knows every detail of your life. Every decision you made. Every mistake you made. Every one of your desires. You can ask for anything and everything. Over time Jesus will help you focus on things which are important for your wellbeing. He will help you understand what needs to change and how to change it in yourself. In John 10:10 Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
Where are these sayings of Jesus?
The Holy Bible tells the story of God’s many works through-out human history. It is broken down into 66 books. Each book has multiple chapters. Each chapter has multiple verses. Everything is numbered. John 10:10 refers to the book of John, chapter 10, verse 10. The books Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John are about Jesus’ life on earth 2000 years ago. A web based Holy Bible is available here. This site offers the Holy Bible in many translations and many languages. When you click on the link, the first page will see is a search box. To the right is another box for types of Bibles. Press the drop-down arrow to find a Bible in your language or your preferred translation. The English NIV Bible is an easy one to begin reading. In 2 Timothy 3:16 the Bible says
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,”
Should I go to a Christian Church?
It is part of your journey to befriend other Jesus followers. You will learn from them, and they will learn from you. Some people have followed Jesus for decades and have learned about many ways of Jesus. They can help you understand better what Jesus wants and does.
Ask Jesus where you should go to church. Then choose a church that appeals to you and pray to Jesus that it is the church he chooses for you.
If you live in an area without churches, ask Jesus to introduce you to another follower(s). Then talk to them and share your questions and experiences.
Acts 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.
Further Along the Way
How to grow closer to Jesus?
A relationship with Jesus if similar to any human relationship. Some of the basic relationship rules apply to both humans and Jesus. Two key aspects are time and commitment. Everyday upon waking you should choose to recommit yourself to the relationship and decide to spend time with Jesus. This happens when reading the Bible, singing hymn or praise songs, or praying. It really is that easy. The more time you invest the closer you will feel to Jesus. Turn off the TV, put aside your phone, add Jesus to your to do list, and invest your time in Jesus. Hebrew 12:1 says “let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.”
How do I know my prayers are getting through?
As adults we sometimes pray with self-interest for things that Jesus knows is not good for us. Asking Jesus to guide you in prayers will always help to understand the best things to pray. Keeping a prayer journal of what you pray about and then reviewing it over time will help you see and remember that Jesus heard and answered you. Jesus is not Santa Claus. He gives good and life changing gifts, but not always the things we think we need. Jesus has answered prayers for thousands of years. He has helped millions of people. He loves you and will do the same for you. There are promises in the Bible of what God will do for us. You can find those promises here. There are stories of answered prayer here. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
What does trust and obey mean?
Learning to trust and obey Jesus may be the most difficult thing you do in your journey. It is definitely a daily choice.
Start with reading the Bible and learning the dos and don’ts of Jesus. Some are easy such as do not steal or murder. Others are harder such as love your enemies, avoid gossip.
The key to trust and obey is to believe that Jesus loves you and wants what is best for you, even when you do not understand. Work toward giving Jesus permission to handle problems in your life. Then wait and don’t try to fix it yourself. Be patient. Read books of other people who have trusted Jesus and seen amazing things transformed while they watch. Read the Psalms and know how people from ancient days have trusted Jesus and been delivered.
We do not earn Jesus’ help. He gives it to us freely and abundantly. But if we are not spending time with Jesus and working towards following him and his words in the Bible, then the answers may not come.
Psalm 90:7 says
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.
How do I handle other people doing things wrong?
Firstly, recognize that Jesus is the only perfect person to live in human history. So, at some time everyone does things that are wrong or sinful. If it is illegal, you should definitely call the police. If it is immoral but not illegal, then begin by praying for guidance. Asking Jesus if you have the ability to help or should just pray and let Jesus handle it. James 2:10 says, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” None of us are perfect. We are all guilty of multiple sins. We should not feel as though our sins are somehow less significant than others. The greatest sins to commit are the one that break Jesus’ most important commandment. Mark 12:29-31, “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
There are sins which are more serious because others are being harmed. But good, well-meaning people also make mistakes. We should avoid lecturing, gossiping, judging, or feeling superior to others because of their sins.
Going Deeper
What does it mean to go deeper?
The ultimate goal of being in relationship with Jesus is to spend eternity in heaven with him, which we are granted when we choose to enter into a relationship with Jesus. But we can also enjoy heaven on earth as we walk with Jesus in this world. Walking with Jesus is a life-long journey. Going deeper requires time and commitment. It offers the opportunity to become more that struggling people cast about by the waves around us. We can become a shining light in this world. We can learn to trust and obey Jesus more. We can become a witness for others about Jesus’ love and comfort. We can begin to see solutions which help and heal the world around us.
There are so many opportunities and resources for going deeper. I will share some that have helped me through the years.
Online Bible courses.
Deepening on how much time you have, there are several options for online courses.
Daily Devotionals.
There is an enormous number of daily devotionals available as books, emails, or webpages. These are short reads with Bible verses and comments. Some are writing from personal experience and others for Biblical study. See some of my favorites.
Bible study books.
Numerous authors, pastors, and theologians write study books. Any question can be addressed by different authors. Reading these books can enlighten you to deeper understanding of God. If you are a reader, choosing study books or Christian fiction can change your perspective on God and the world around you. Resources for books can be found
Bible Studies
Most churches offer Bible studies for members and visitors. This offers the opportunity to discuss and socialize with others. Call your local church or check out their website for details.
Ecclesiastes 4:12
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Check out the Going Further Resources page for links to the items listed above.

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